Massage therapy

massage therapy

Therapeutic massage for a better feeling of your body.

Who is it for?

If you suffer from musculoskeletal disorders such as low back pain, neck pain or muscle stiffness of various origins, massage therapy can be for you. 
The clinic offers the possibility of carrying out personalized treatments for each type of ailment.

I'm sporty, can you help me?

Massage therapy applied in sports helps recovery from injuries or traumas and allows you to improve the execution of the athletic gesture.


The goal of each treatment will be to remove, where possible, the disorder and improve the muscular condition to reduce suffering and mechanical difficulties.
"I've been running forever! Suddenly I started to suffer from heel pain that limited me in training. I tried to stop for weeks without great results... Then, advised by a doctor, I turned to the Osteocomo studio. Luca proved to be very competent and willing to reconcile my recovery needs in my competitive activity with treatment.Together we agreed on an action plan that allowed me to resume gradual activity within a few weeks!Now after a year I run more than before and I have no more pain! Thank you so much!" Mark C.

Contact us

Largo Adua 7, Cantù (Co) 22063 
Via Regina Teodolinda 17 , Como 22100
 ( +39) 3281517376
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